App Defaults 2024
December 18, 2024 —
Jan Montag
Since I installed an RSS-Reader like its 2007, I read my friends again. That's a thing I am really thankful for. And there, over at pfotenhauers, I read a blogpost about App Defaults. It's about People who show other people what they are using for tools 'n apps on a daily base for working and living and in private.
I will do that, too.
App Defaults
- Mail Client: mutt,, Thunderbird
- Mail Server: self hosted, Linux
- Notes: Notizen.App
- To-Do: "Hey Siri, erinnere mich anβ¦"
- iPhone Photo Shooting:
- Photo Management: Apple Photos
- Calendar: Google Calendar via
- Cloud File Storage: iCloud, (in reality I don't like clouds)
- RSS service: NetNewsWire on iCloud :-)
- RSS client: NetNewsWire on iOS and macOS, SeaLion on Powermac G5
- Contacts: Kontakte.App
- Browser: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge,
- Chat: WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Discord, irssi
- Bookmarks: I don't use Bookmarks anymore
- Read It Later: I don't use those kind of tools
- Word Processing: Word, Pages, Markdown Formatting Textfiles
- Spreadsheets: Excel, Numbers
- Presentations: Powerpoint, Keynote
- Shopping Lists: Notizen.App
- Meal Planning: Notizen.App - Brot; Butter; Knoblauch
- Budgeting and Personal Finance: DKB Banking App
- News: NTV.App but I decided to not read news of the day anymore, just to protect my mental health.
- Music: Spotify
- Podcasts: Overcast
- Password Management: iCloud Keychain
Additional categories:
- Social Media: Bluesky, Mastodon, Instagram
- Code Editor: nano, vim, neovim, textmate
- Blog: ghost cms (selfhosted), try different things like BashBlog (selfhosted)
- Terminal: Alacritty, iTerm2, warp
- Non-Smoking: Rauchfrei - since I quit smoking I track the amount of cigarettes, money and days.
All the apps are not clickable because I am too lazy to link everything. If you are interested, I think you can google or duckduckgo for it.
Tags: apps